Meet Fola

Hi all! Welcome to Hey It’s Fola, a space curated to be a visual diary of sorts for my many interests.

I am a born and raised Chicagoan of Nigerian descent, currently navigating life in my early 30s. When I’m not a one-man band for my cosmetic business, you can usually find me cooking, dancing, reading, sewing, and basically doing anything creative that keeps my mind busy.

Growing up I always felt like I had too much going on; too many thoughts, too many interests, too many hobbies – yet no outlet. I heard the quote “jack of all trades, master golf none” once and really felt that was how I was perceived since I could never give one clear answer when people asked about what I had going on. I tried blogging a few times and even had a decent run on YouTube for a while but it was hard sticking to one niche and after failed attempts at branching out my content I would quickly lose interest.

I decided to get back in to blogging again because now that I know there are so many multipotentialite’s out there, not only can this be an outlet for me but it can also be a source for others. You’re into literature and astrology? So am I! Love cooking, linguistics, & coding? Me too! Gardening get you giddy? Join the club! I truly love it all and that is just fine. So if you are into everything or even just one thing, welcome! Thank you for coming along for the ride & I hope you enjoy!